Frequently Asked Questions

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I am a medical doctor (General Practitioner / Neurologist / Ophthalmologist). How do I refer my patients for this study?

Thank you for this. Please first check with your patient that they are happy for you to refer to us. Please then send a referral including your patient’s medical history, via an encrypted email (e.g. via as recommended by GSTT’s Information Governance) to .

Please also see the Study’s Inclusion & Exclusion Criteria . If you are uncertain, please reach out to us by email for clarification

I am an optometrist and I think my patient has Visual Snow Syndrome. How do I refer this the patient to the MBCT-vision VSS RCT study?

Thank you for considering our study. Our study inclusion criteria require a diagnosis by a medical specialist (Neurologist or Ophthalmologist). Please refer your patient to a specialist for evaluation, and please share this website’s information to your patient. If your patient has diagnosis of VSS confirmed, we welcome them to reach out to us either directly or via their doctors.

I am a person with VSS. How do I join this study?

We are recruiting people with VSS previously diagnosed by a Neurologist, Ophthalmologist, or Neuro-Ophthalmologist. We will need to review details about your diagnosis from past copies of doctors’ letters before we send you an appointment for a Study Screening visit.

Please also see the Study’s Inclusion & Exclusion Criteria . If you are uncertain, please reach out to us by email for clarification.

Please contact us on email: . Our institution’s Information Governance advised that external emails use the Egress encryption system. We therefore recommend you email us via the platform.

What is the time commitment for the MBCT-vision practices?

The MBCT-vision group learning course will be conducted as an online group video meeting, once weekly for 8 weeks (approximately 2 hours including a short break).

Important note: the daily home practices between the above 8 x once weekly sessions, is an integral part of the treatment. This can take approximately 1 hour daily.

Past participants of the feasibility study emphasised the need to set aside time every day, to commit to the study home practices.

If you wish to participate, please ensure you have time available to do the above sessions as prescribed.

Who has reviewed this study?

This study has been reviewed by the GSTT’s internal teams including the Eye Research Governance; the Research & Development Department; and the National Research Ethics Committee (the North of Scotland 2 Research Ethics Committee). The study research protocol has been externally peer-reviewed by two medical experts in VSS. Past participants of the MBCT-vision feasibility study were on the study advisory group advising on the design of the MBCT-vision VSS RCT study.

Who is funding the MBCT-vision VSS RCT?

We are grateful to the Visual Snow Initiative for funding this study

Where is the location of this study?

This is a single-centre study, delivered from the Eye Research Dept at St Thomas’ Hospital of Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust in London, United Kingdom. The study will involve in-person visit for study screening and assessments at the Eye Research Dept at St Thomas’ Hospital. The MBCT-vision course will be delivered as a group learning course online.

Who set up this study?

This study is set up by the lead investigator Dr Sui H. Wong, supported by psychologist Dr Janet Wingrove, a statistician, and the St Thomas’ Eye Research Department, and sponsored by Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust. The study is funded by Visual Snow Initiative.

What is the metabolomics sub-study?

Metabolomics is a study of metabolites that has provided ground-breaking insights into the mechanisms of disease and delivery of precision medicine. As part of the study, we will invite participants to provide a blood sample of 15ml (approx. 1 tablespoon) as part of a metabolomics sub-study, to understand the mechanisms of VSS and MBCT-vision.

We are also recruiting some healthy controls for this metabolomics sub-study, from the family member of a similar age to the VSS participant.

The blood test will be collected 3-4 times over the course the course of the study: 3 times for those in the Treatment Arm and in Healthy Controls, 4 times for those in the Control Arm

I have read the Study Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria, and I am unsure if I fulfil the criteria. How do I clarify this?

We will be happy to clarify by email, please contact us on: . Our institution’s Information Governance advised that external emails use the Egress encryption system. We therefore recommend you email us via the platform.

I have an additional visual condition or other medical conditions, and am unsure if I fulfil the criteria to join just study. How do I clarify this?

We will be happy to clarify by email, please contact us on: . Our institution’s Information Governance advised that external emails use the Egress encryption system. We therefore recommend you email us via the platform.

I have done mindfulness practices before, and am unsure if I fulfil the criteria to join just study. How do I clarify this?

We will be happy to clarify by email, please contact us on: . Our institution’s Information Governance advised that external emails use the Egress encryption system. We therefore recommend you email us via the platform.

I live outside of the United Kingdom. Can I participate in this study?

The Research Ethics Committee advised we can only recruit participants in the United Kingdom. However, if you are based outside the United Kingdom, please contact us to let us know where you are based. This will help us understand the demand for a future MBCT-vision research study involving participants from other countries.

Publication of MBCT-vision Feasibility Study

If you have not yet tried mindfulness treatment, we would welcome you to reach out to us to participate in this study. Previous mindfulness intervention is a study exclusion criterion as the study is testing the impact of intensive mindfulness training. Therefore, we are not able to include people who already had mindfulness training or a daily mindfulness practice

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